Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer time happenings

These pictures are all out of order!!
We had our 4 year anniversary in May, Steve's 27th birthday, and my 25th birthday in June. I had a rough time with this one. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and had some games at our place afterward, and then Sunday we had 'family' birthday- We didn't have a 2 or a 5 candle, so I turned 944 this year :)

Steve and I were both released from our callings (Elders quorum 1st counselor and Primary secretary) . I was so ready to get out of primary, Ive been there for 4 years! Steve has been called to Ward mission leader which he is getting used to- the elders are pretty eager which usually isn't Steve's strong point, so he gets annoyed, but I think things are smoothing out. I am the Young women's 1st counselor, and I love it! I taught today's lesson on Revelation and it went really well. I have always wanted to work with the youth, I'm looking forward to getting to know the girls better. There are only about 7 active YW total, which is very different from my home ward growing up, but I think it will give us an opportunity to get closer. Its a different pace coming from a primary with 70 active kiddos.

We went dancing last night at Coupland dance hall which is waaay out east- population 27. Not really, but its a tiny town. The AC was not working, I don't remember the last time I was so hot and sweaty. It was fun though, we need to get out more and practice out Texas two step.
I wanted to show you my progress on my family tree! I ordered a black iron decorative tree and thought it would be really cute to add all the family members around it. I still need a few more pictures, but you get the idea. Ill post more pics once its finished!