Wow, has it really been that long since my last post?? Yikes!
LOTS to catch up on!
Steve got a job offer in Utah as a application engineer for an energy solutions company. He goes out to the oil fields and makes sure that the chemicals are balanced and running smoothly. There is great opportunity for rapid growth and advancement with this company. They are treating us really well so far- we moved here in October. Steve has a couple cousins out here that have made this transition so easy. Loren has made me feel like we don't live among strangers. I love that I have some familiar faces so close by.
I have been enjoying my time as a stay at home wife, cooking dinner every night, making Steve's lunches, working out, doing sewing & painting projects, and just soaking up this new life! All good things come to an end though- I have a job interview tomorrow at the hospital here as a housekeeper. I'm really not sure what all that job includes, but the hospital offers tuition reimbursement & scholarships to those who are pursuing anything in the medical field. So that will be AWESOME when I start up school again in January. The nursing program is great here, and all my credits transferred from Austin, so I'm really not being set back at all, except for the fact that I couldn't take classes this fall because we moved in the middle of the semester. Once you are accepted into the RN program, everything is FREE! Tuition, books, supplies, scrubs, EVERYTHING! This is because of all the oil, the town receives certain royalties/scholarships that are given to the schools. The school is so small that it has more than enough money to cover all the students' expenses. Seems too good to be true, huh! More and more I'm learning that this move has been an unbelievable blessing to us.
I do miss my people though- Texas will always be home to me. I don't know how I got so lucky to have met all you Austinites. Miss you guys more than anything. I cant wait to come home this week for Thanksgiving!
Also, one of my besties, Leah Sannar got blessed with a perfect baby boy that they adopted last week. We are having a shower for her this weekend! Cant wait to meet the little man! Stay tuned for pictures from my trip home this week!!
We went on a cruise the week before we moved, so fun that my fam joined us, the perfect send off!