Friday, February 26, 2010

We got some snow!

Yes, snow! Ive never seen it stick in Austin, so this was kind of a big deal. The news showed kids "sledding" (on yoga mats, since they dont sell sleds in TX) down hills, mostly in slush and mud. So funny!

Steve got me a rose bush for Valentines day, and I just happend to plant it the night before the snow, so this is me being sad. I hope its still ok!

Monday, February 15, 2010

the latest fertility stuff

We started with a new fertility specialist in January and we really love him. He has such a great reputation around Austin, and I know so many women that have had quick success with him. I've done like 6 rounds of clomid and havent had any luck yet, so today I went and had an HSG x-ray done. Basically they squirt dye into my uterus and fallopian tubes to check for any blockages. Sounds pretty harmless, right? Wrong. Oh my gosh, so painful. I dont know if it was becasue of the pain or what, but I almost passed out. She sent the images over to my doctor, so I will call tomorrow and see what he has to say about them.

This has been quite an experience that we have had these last few years. We have been trying to start our family for almost 4 years. Sometimes I wonder why we have the trials that we do. Maybe they arent trials at all. Maybe its a blessing that Steve and I have had more time to grow and bond with one another, really learning everything and appreciating each small trait in eachother. Maybe Im suppossed to learn patience, or that this really isnt MY life, its the Lord's.

Sure do love you, babe! We've have had some great times just you and me-

We will make good parents one day, till then, we remain positive and happy, sometimes thats all you can do. We do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that you all are sending our way. :) I'll try and keep our progress posted!