Wednesday, December 22, 2010

adoption update

Its been a long while since our adoption post, and I thought I should give an update. We went as far as we could with orientations, interviews and classes- the next step was another 6-week class only offered on the night that Steve has school. Go figure. He is so close to graduating (May 2011), so we decided to put the adoption process on hold. With both of us in school and working full time, its been easy these past few months to have our attention diverted from our baby hunger. Its all good though, we will pick up where we left off once Steve is done with school.

We are excited for Disneyland with the Shums at Christmas!! What a wonderful time of year that we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Merry Christmas, everyone!


Leah Sannar said...

Thanks for the update! I'm excited for you guys! LDS Family Services just called me today and said that we should be hearing back from them next week to schedule our little orientation thing.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so excited for things to proceed further! Maybe by the time we are ready yours will be on the way too! :) I still think Heavenly Father has some sweet surprises in store for you both@