Saturday, February 28, 2009

A new doggy!

We adopted a husband for Lucy- His name is Jasper and he is in need of some good training :) He's gotten better in just the week that we've had him, I think he just had some neglectful previous owners. Our family sure is growing...not necessarily in the way that I had originally hoped for, but I'll take what I can get :/
They really like eachother a lot, they go everywhere together and dont like to be without the other one. He's sweet.


Anonymous said...

aww! The Ricardo's! i love them! i cant wait for some little ricky's to pop out! i hope to see you 2 very soon...say...May ish?

Walter and Lynsi Hohmann said... cute! At least you have puppies. Walt and I are still without kids or pets. Hopefully we'll get one or the other soon. :)

BrittneyHenderson said...
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Tim and Brittney said...

Cute! I want a little doggy, but Tim wont let me, he said we can only have outside dogs!We miss you guys!

missy said...

Hey AMY! I know i had to take my blog off private because more than one person told me they couldn't seee my blog anymore, even if I had invited them!!! lol. probably my fault I am dumb! If you are ever in utah let me KNOW!!

Annie said...

Amy! Sorry, I thought I sent you an invite!! I sent one again, let me know if it works! PS. Update your blog.